member states

European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) Search Engine

Search facility covering the national case databases of the EU member states that use ECLI references, plus cases from the Court of Justice of the EU. Searchable by member state, court, area of law and other criteria. Key word searches must, as a rule, use the language of the member state/s whose cases you want to find, however, a small proportion of the cases have been translated into other languages. The search engine is one of the tools offered by the European e-Justice Portal, an initiative of the European Commission and EU member states.

Brexit: Research and Analysis

This part of the UK Parliament website provides information on Brexit compiled by Parliament's libraries and committees. Briefing papers and articles, written by experts, are provided on the site covering the Brexit process, the withdrawal negotiations and role of Parliament in the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union. There are also sections providing research on the implications of Brexit for UK trade, business, the law, defence, farming, the environment and social policy. 


Dec.Nat is a database of information about national courts' decisions relating to European Union law. Provided by the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, it covers more than 20,000 decisions, from 1959 to the present. Each record gives details of the court, parties, case references, subject and legislation considered, together with law report citations. The full text of the decision is not included. Dec.Nat. is available in English and French.

Common portal of national case law

Portal to the case law databases of the national supreme courts of the European Union, provided by the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union. The various public databases can be searched simultaneously in any of the EU languages. Additional features, including translation of judgments into other languages, are available to members of the Network.

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