
International Labour Organization (ILO)

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations which seeks to promote employment rights, human rights and social justice. The website gives details of the ILO's history, structure and work programmes. It provides numerous free databases of labour-related information and documentation, including national labour laws, international labour standards, treaty information, statistics and a bibliography compiled by the ILO Library.

Center for Effective Public Policy

The Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP), an American non-profit organisation, works with local, state and tribal jurisdictions in the US to improve their criminal justice systems and enhance the well-being of communities. Its website provides information about CEPP projects. It includes a collection of guides, training curriculums, frameworks and other tools and resources focusing on subjects such as collaborative justice, evidence-based decision-making, parole and probation, women in the justice system, racial equity and community engagement.

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