local government

South Africa’s By-Laws

Open By-laws is a community project supported by Laws.Africa which aims to make South African by-laws accessible online. By-laws are made by municipalities and the site currently provides access to the by-laws of Cape Town, Drakenstein, Johannesburg, Kannaland, Swartland, eThekwini, Bergrivier, Cape Agulhas, Cederberg, Matzikama and Mbizana. Instruments can be browsed alphabetically or searched by keyword, and downloaded in a range of formats.

Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales

Official website of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (until 2013 known as the Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales), the body responsible for carrying out reviews and making proposals for changes in local government areas in Wales. The Commission carries out three types of review - boundary reviews, electoral reviews and community reviews - which can be viewed on the site. There is also a consultation portal where it is possible to register to make representations on draft proposals.

European Committee of the Regions

The Committee of the Regions (COR) is the European Union’s assembly for representatives of regional and local authorities across the EU member states. It advises on new EU legislation concerning cities and regions. The COR website provides details of plenary sessions, a list of current members, a collection of studies published from 1999 onwards, information about current and closed consultations. There is also a link to the COR’s Electronic Document Register (under Engage – Resources – Access to Documents).

Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards

The Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards investigates complaints that a councillor has failed to comply with the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors (which sets out the principles and rules of conduct which councillors must observe). The site has guidance aimed at the public on making a complaint and for councillors on the complaints procedure. Details of past and forthcoming Adjudication Hearings are given on the site along with decisions.

Norfolk Island Regional Council

Website of the Norfolk Island Regional Council the body set up to replace the Norfolk Island Legislative Assembly (under which the Island was self-governed) in 2016. Norfolk Island is an external Australian territory in the Pacific ocean with most Australian Commonwealth laws including taxation, social security, immigration, biosecurity, customs and health covering the Island. The Council provides a range of local services including broadcasting, courts and legal services, planning and development and registry of land, companies, births, deaths and marriages.

Arden Chambers

London-based barristers’ chambers specialising in housing, local government and property law. The Arden Chambers website has an ‘information centre’ section which provides legal news (‘eflashes’) regarding these areas of law; articles and briefings by Arden barristers; responses to government consultations; and other resources.

Adjudication Panel for Wales

Website of the Adjudication Panel for Wales an independent body established under Part III of the Local Government Act 2000. The role of the Adjudication Panel is to form tribunals to decide whether members of local authorities, police, fire and national park authorities in Wales have breached their statutory code of conduct. Details and decisions of previous tribunals are provided on the site along with annual reports and a list of Panel members.

Local Government Association

The Local Government Association (LGA) represents the local authorities of England and Wales. It is a voluntary lobbying organisation whose aim is to promote better local government. The website provides access to information and briefings across the spectrum of local government issues, policies and initiatives: relating to services, housing, economic development and regeneration, etc. A large number of research briefings and discussion papers are made freely available on the site.

Standards for England

Archived website of Standards for England (Standards Board for England), a non-departmental public body which was abolished in 2012. Standards for England was the strategic regulator with responsibility for promoting high standards of conduct amongst councillors and members of local public authorities in England. Its website includes reports of meetings and information on the Code of Conduct and local standards framework. Summaries of completed investigations can be browsed or searched on the site.

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