legislation usa

Florida Statutes and Constitution

Official website from the US State of Florida legislature providing electronic copies of the Florida Statutes and Constitution. Annual collections of Florida statutes from 1997 onwards are freely available for browsing in HTML format or printing or may be ordered and purchased from the Legislative Information Division. A free text search feature is also available for each year. In addition the site publishes the text of the 1968 constitution as revised and amended. Digests of general laws for the most recent years can be downloaded in PDF.

Tennessee Code and Constitution

Online full text version of the Tennessee Code and Constitution made freely available by Michie's Legal Resources a division of LexisNexis Publishing. The statutes (updated to 2007) are listed by subject and there are simple and advanced search options available. The United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Tennessee are also made freely available on the site.

Constitution, Statutes and Session Laws of Maine

Official website from the Maine State Legislature, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, making the text of Revised Statutes for the US State of Maine freely available on the web. The site presents the text of the statutes in codified form current to December 31, 2007. A browsable table of contents links to specific titles. A statute search by title, section or phrase is also provided. In addition, the site publishes the text of the Maine Constitution and Session Laws for 1997 to 2007 - browsable by chapter or accessible via search box. Tips on searching are provided.

Online Delaware Code

This page of the State of Delaware website provides free access to the Delaware Code and Constitution. The Code is presented for browsing in title number order with the full text presented in HTML. The Delaware Constitution of 1897 as amended is also made available on the site. Keyword search options are available for the Code.

Mississippi Unannotated Code

Link to the official unannotated searchable Code of the US State of Mississippi hosted by Lexis Publishing, the official publisher of the Mississippi Code. The Code contains State legislation collected and arranged by subject. The text of the code is based on the 1972 version and is freely provided by Lexis Publishing, the official publisher of the Mississippi Code. A lookup facility and full search are available. Links to the text of the Mississippi State Constitution with lookup facility are also provided.

State of Rhode Island General Laws

An Internet version of the Rhode Island Code, presenting the general laws of the US State of Rhode Island in codified form. The site is provided by the Rhode Island General Assembly without charge and the code text is updated through to the end of the 2007 legislative session. A contents listing provides browsing access in title number order supported by a code search form.

South Carolina Legislature

Official website of the State of South Carolina in the United States. The site provides background information about the Senate and the House of Representatives, access to state legislation, member profiles, details of committees and calendars for the South Carolina Senate and House of Representatives. There is legislation for the current session, the South Carolina Code of Laws, Code of Regulations and the Constitution. These can be searched or browsed online. The archives include legislation back to 1975, act lists, budgets, reports and legislative updates.

South Carolina Code of Laws

Official website for the South Carolina Legislature, publishing the text of the Code of Laws for the US State of South Carolina. Laws are arranged by subject in codified text and browsable by title. A full-text search facility is also provided. Additional links to the State of South Carolina Code of Regulations and Global Legal Information Network are offered by the site.

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Unofficial web version of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, released by the US State of Kentucky. A Table of Contents offers a listing of Statutes by title and chapter with keyword or statute number search facility. The current files include amendments and new enactments through the 2006 First Extraordinary Session of the Kentucky General Assembly. The site includes a detailed explanation on the use and status of the web version of Revised Statutes with links to further legislation and the legislative record for 2008 and for past legislative sessions.

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