legal news

LexisNexis: Research & Legal Analysis Blog

Research & Legal Analysis is one of the blogs hosted by LexisNexis. It is aimed at legal professionals and covers the latest legal developments with contributors specialising in arbitration, legal technology and family law. Recent articles look at arbitration statistics, the Cyber 2024 conference and the work of the Online Procedure Rule Committee. Posts date back to 2012 and can be searched by keyword or browsed by tags.

China IP Law Update

China IP Law Update is a blog focusing on Chinese intellectual property law, with an emphasis on patent and trademark law. The blog is produced by lawyers at Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, a US law firm specialising in intellectual property law. Posts cover developments in Chinese IP law and how they might impact foreign companies. The blog dates back to 2019 and posts can be searched by keyword or browsed by category including case, copyright, domain, patents, trademarks and unfair competition.

Singapore Law Watch

Singapore Law Watch is a free legal news service provided by the Singapore Academy of Law, a membership organisation for the legal profession in Singapore. The site is updated daily covering news and legal developments in Singapore. Links are given to the latest judgements from the Court of Appeal, High Court, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and the Tax Boards and to legislation published in the last three months.

Vietnam Ministry of Justice

Website of the Ministry of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The site gives information on the role of the Ministry, its organisational structure and profiles of the ministers. There are news items outlining the activities of the MOJ including legal developments and international legal pursuits. The site can be viewed in English and Vietnamese.


The International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) is a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the development and understanding of constitutional systems worldwide. This page links directly to the IACL blog which aims to be a meeting place for constitutionalists to present their research, share views and discuss constitutional law topics. Posts can be browsed by date back to 2014 and viewed by topic including gender and constitutions, centenary of the constitution in Liechtenstein and Irish unification. Author interviews, book reviews and a series of podcasts are also given.

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