legal language


Jurislingue is a multi-lingual legal glossary, still under development, provided by the Portuguese Attorney General’s Documentation and Comparative Law Office. It includes more than 1000 legal terms, the names of 157 institutions and the titles of 177 treaties. Seven languages are covered: Portuguese, French, English, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. For each term, the equivalents are given in some or all of the other languages. Full definitions are also provided for many of the terms, but these are mainly in Portuguese.

Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales

Website of the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales a statutory body whose purpose is to "advance the fairness and equity of the justice system, and to improve access to justice, especially for socially and economically disadvantaged people". The site has information about the Foundation's activities and research and profiles of members of the Board of Governors. Details are given of ongoing and completed projects along with copies of the Foundation's newsletters, guidelines and annual reports which can be freely downloaded from the site.


Website of Clarity, an international association of lawyers and interested lay people, whose aim is to promote the use of plain language in the legal profession. Clarity run seminars on legal drafting and publishes a journal approximately twice a year, which is presented in PDF format on the site.The journal includes articles, book reviews, news items and a section on practical drafting. Issues are freely available in full-text back to 1997. Other relevant articles also appear on the site along with a booklist and links to the websites of other plain language practitioners.

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