law enforcement

National Police Chiefs’ Council

Website of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) the body representing police chief officers in the UK and with responsibility for co-ordinating national policing operations and the national police response to national emergencies. The NPCC replaced the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) in 2015. The site has information about the work and structure of the NPCC and details of its finances, policies and procedures. Details and links to the national policing units and bodies that operate across the UK are also given.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service

The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) was established in 1972 and is hosted by the Office of Justice Programs at the U.S. Department of Justice. The NCJRS is an international criminal justice information network supporting policymakers and criminal justice professionals. The site provides information about Office of Justice Programs' services, publications and products, including direct access to the NCJRS bulletin board and to reports, policy documents, articles, abstracts and FAQs.


GRECO is the Group of States Against Corruption, a body set up in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor the development, implementation and enforcement of anti-corruption legislation in its member states. The site publishes GRECO's Statute, Rules of Procedure and resolutions, as well as its activity reports and other documents. Information is provided about GRECO's history, structure, member states and current programmes. The site is available in English or French.


Europol is the EU's law enforcement agency, originally founded by the Europol Convention of 1995 but now governed by the Europol Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/794). Europol facilitates the exchange of intelligence in order to prevent terrorism, drug trafficking and other serious international criminal activities. The Europol website describes the work of the agency and provides Europol publications, including the EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report, the Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment and the Internet and Organised Crime Threat Assessment.

National Institute of Justice

The website of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is the research and development arm of the United States Department of Justice. Its website covers the work of the institute, news, funding opportunities and publications. A section listing the programs currently being run by the Institute is included with links to the individual program sites. 

Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, The

The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice is published by Wiley (formerly by Blackwells) and is concerned with "all major aspects of the criminal justice process, penal policy and crime prevention". It is an interdisciplinary journal "combining articles with comments and reviews, providing a thorough coverage of both the theory and practice of criminal justice and the study of crime and criminals. Each issue includes a Penal Policy File summarising the latest developments in criminal justice policy."

Institute of Criminal Justice Studies (ICJS), University of Portsmouth

The Institute of Criminal Justice Studies of the University of Portsmouth is a multi-disciplinary unit providing higher education programmes and conducting research in criminal justice, criminology and police studies. The site includes information about the Institute, staff, courses and research degrees. A bibliography of Institute publications, going back to 2001, can be browsed by date.

Anti-money Laundering Efforts in the Securities Industry

Report on investigations into anti money laundering efforts in the United States securities industry, carried out by the US General Accounting Office (GAO) and published on their website. The GAO is a non-partisan agency within the legislative branch of the US government, established by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 with a remit to independently audit government agencies.

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