
Latvijas valsts prezidenta

The official website of the President of Latvia, available in Latvian, English and Russian. Site contains information about the office of President and its current incumbent, including press releases and speeches, public schedule and official functions, and a clear breakdown of the president’s duties, powers and rights. Provides information on legislation returned to the Saeima for extra consideration along with the President's reasons. Also provides a useful list of official links to all other areas of government.

Latvian intellectual property laws

Website of the Latvian intellectual property law firm LATISS. Available in Latvian, Russian, Estonian and English, the site provides a complete and up to date list of all intellectual property legislation in force in Latvia, including the laws on industrial design, trademarks and patents. Links are provided in many, but not all, cases to the full text (in English) of those laws. There is also a complete and up to date list of all intellectual property international treaties and conventions to which Latvia is a signatory.

The Cabinet of Ministers for the Republic of Latvia

The official website for the Cabinet of Ministers for the Republic of Latvia. The site is freely available in Latvian, Russian and English, and contains information regarding the prime minister and cabinet members, the structure and workings of the cabinet, and a host of public administration documents. Contains full-text English translation of all relevant public administration legislation, and also the Latvian constitution. The ‘news’ section contains a number of useful factsheets on different areas of policy and economic statistics.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, available in Latvian, Russian and English. Site contains a variety of information and documentation pertaining to Latvia’s foreign and diplomatic policy such as immigration, citizenship, bilateral relations and consular missions. Provides English translations of all relevant legislation and documents. There is also a full-text English database of all bilateral and multilateral treaties to which Latvia is a signatory in the policy section of the website.

Latvijas Republikas Saeima

The official website of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia. Available for the most part in Latvian and English, however most of the parliamentary documents available from the site are in Latvian only. Contains a wealth of information about the structure, operation and processes of the Parliament, from real time work schedules to member profiles, as well as information about how the Latvian legislative processes work. Includes the full text, in English, of the constitution, and laws as passed in Latvian only.

World Law: Latvia

Latvia section of WorldLII's Countries service. A full range of browse and search features are available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to Courts, Government, Legislation and Parliament. Additional subject areas include Infrastructure, Poverty Reduction, Privatisation and Secured Transactions. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to Latvia on all of WorldLII. WorldLII was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute as a public service.

Republic of Latvia Supreme Court

Official website of the Supreme Court of Latvia. The site provides background and historical information about the Court including its structure, the role of the Senate and Chambers and an outline of the Latvian court system. There is also a profile of the Chief Justice and selected decisions of the Supreme Court can be viewed in Latvian only. A page of links to other Latvian legal sites is also provided. The site can be viewed in English, Latvian and Russian.

Constitution of Latvia

English text of the Constitution of Latvia, as amended to 2003, on the website of the International Constitutional Law (ICL) project at the University of Bern, Switzerland. The Constitution covers the Parliament, the President, the Government, the courts, the Office of the Comptroller General and fundamental human rights. Various other constitutional documents can be found on the same site. There are also links to the Latvian Parliament website and to a French-language website providing the Constitution, Latvian treaties and related materials.

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