land ownership

Legal Research Guide: Maori Customary Law

Research guide on Maori customary law by Kelly Buchanan of the Library of Congress in the United States. Gives a historical introduction to the subject and explains the current situation. Provides an annotated bibliography of sources for researching Maori customary law, including land law, natural resources law, family law and criminal justice. Gives numerous links to the journal articles, reports and papers listed.

Land ownership and control in Nauru

Published in 1995 and hosted as part of the E-Law journal project of Murdoch University in Australia, this paper by Peter H MacSporran focuses on those aspects of the law in Nauru which affect land ownership and control, from customary Nauru law, through the application of both German and Australian law, through to independence. The article is fully referenced and freely available, with the citation (1995) 2 Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law.

Home land

This site provides "information from Scottish and International Perspectives on Land Tenure, Land Reform, Land Use and Social Land Ownerships" part of the Caledonia Centre for Social Development. It has " ... been prepared by a group of individuals with an interest in land reform, land administration, land ownership and land use" a number of whom are staff at the Caledonia Centre for Social Development.

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