
Employment & Labour Laws and Regulations 2023

Employment & Labour Laws and Regulations 2023 is an online comparative legal guide written by employment law specialists and published by Global Legal Group in London. This is a charged resource but parts of the guide are made freely available. These sections include jurisdiction chapters which give an overview of employment law in 34 jurisdictions covering terms and conditions of employment, employee representation, discrimination, maternity rights, termination of employment, data protection and employment tribunals.

Legal Frameworks for Nuclear Activities

This part of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) site provides information on the legal frameworks for nuclear activities in OECD and NEA member and partner countries. Country profiles cover a range of topics including the regulatory regime, regulatory authorities and advisory bodies. There is information on nuclear installations, radioactive waste management, radioactive substances and equipment, non-proliferation and transport. Links are given to primary legislation and to other NEA publications. The NEA is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).


ConstitutionNet is a project of International IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance) designed to provide information for constitutional lawyers and practitioners. The site has a selection of FAQs about constitutions and what they can do along with a collection of video ‘primers’ on what constitutions are and how they are made. Country profiles give a history of their constitution and recent news items. Full text publications, arranged thematically, cover topics such as constitutional rights and constitution building.

Juriglobe: world legal systems

Website of JuriGlobe a research group of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa. The site provides data on the different legal systems in the world- civil law, common law, Muslim law, customary law and mixed systems- and gives a directory of jurisdictions using each of the systems. The information is presented in different ways showing legal systems by geographic region, the systems used by United Nations member states and by population distribution.

WorldLII: Military Law

Subject section of WorldLII (the World Legal Information Institute) providing annotated links to military law resources. These resources include commentaries, law journals, research centres, inter-governmental organisations and treaties and international agreements. There are also links to military law resources organised by country.

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