judicial review

Public Law Project

The Public Law Project (PLP) is a UK-based legal charity whose aim is to improve access to justice in public law matters. The site provides information about the PLP and its work, including research, casework and training. Background information is given about public law is and there are leaflets on topics such as judicial review and making a complaint to the Ombudsman. Research reports, articles and press releases can be downloaded from the site.

Tribunal Constitucional Chile

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Chile, whose role is to review the constitutionality of laws. Provides background information about the court and details of its composition, court rules, a link to the Constitution, cause lists and minutes of proceedings. The 'Sentencias' section has judgments delivered in the last 30 days or so and the 'Informes en Derecho' section provides judgments back to 1969. The site is in Spanish only.

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