
Researching Third-Party Funding in Investor-State Dispute Settlements

This guide looks at how third-party funding works in the investment arbitration setting. It is written by Sherry Xin Chen who is legal information librarian and lecturer in law at Boston College Law School and Kirrin Hough a U.S. attorney. The guide was published in 2019 (and updated in 2024) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives an introduction to third-party funding in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) and links to resources providing research and data on the industry.


The website of this Isle of Man law firm provides a collection of legal and business guides relating to the jurisdiction. The areas of law covered include taxation, trusts, companies and conveyancing.

Investment Treaty Arbitration

The Investment Treaty Arbitration website is aimed at legal practitioners, academics, government officials, researchers and anyone interested in international investment law. The resource is compiled by Andrew Newcombe who is Associate Professor, Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria in Canada. Details of investment treaty awards back to 1996 can be searched or browsed by date, claimant or respondent state. There are links to investment treaties and other investment instruments. Links to resources providing details of other investment awards and cases are also given.

Trusts and Trustees

Website of Trusts and Trustees, a monthly journal published by Oxford University Press, providing information and comment for trust and investment advisors. The website has the journal's contents pages back to 2001, brief summaries of articles and selected full-text articles. There is also a selection of summaries of court decisions relating to trusts. Contact details are given for trust advisors in various jurisdictions along with subscription information and details of the journal's editorial advisors.

Invest Bulgaria Agency: legal framework

Information on business and investment law in Bulgaria provided by the Invest Bulgaria Agency (IBA). Covers foreign trade and customs, taxation, investment incentives, Bulgarian residency, employment law and property. There is also information on setting up a business and guidance on the law relating to specific sectors including robotics, health and life sciences, electronics, and IT. Includes the text of key legislation, such as the Investment Promotion Act and the Corporate Income Taxation Act (under 'Legal Guide'). The site is available in English and Bulgarian.

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