international court of justice

International Court of Justice

Website of the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The site lists cases currently being heard by the Court and cases pending and provides information about the Court's role, jurisdiction and procedure. All judgments and advisory opinions are available, together with the decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Other basic documentation includes the Court's statute, its rules, and the resolution on judicial practice. The site also available in English, French, Spanish and other languages.

Hague Justice Portal

The Hague Justice Portal is maintained by the Hague Academic Coalition, a consortium of academic institutions. The Portal provides news stories, factsheets, and research papers relating to the work of the Hague institutions, courts and tribunals, including the International Criminal Court; International Court of Justice, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia; Iran-United States Claims Tribunal; Permanent Court of Arbitration; Special Court for Sierra Leone.

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