international cooperation

Belgian Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

The Belgian Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation website provides access to official information about the foreign, trade and development policy of Belgium. The News section covers departmental news, press releases and speech transcripts from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Development Cooperation. The Services section gives advice to individuals travelling to Belgium and to Belgians abroad and provides links to Belgian embassies and consulates.

Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO)

This website from the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office provides information on Belgian federal science policy, including overviews of current research programmes, details of international and bilateral co-operation and coordination in the field and upcoming conferences and symposia. Air and space policy and law is covered in some detail. The site gives an overview of Belgian space law and provides links to the English text of the Law on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operation or Guidance of Space Objects (2005) and also of the Royal Implementing Decree (2008).

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (formerly known as the Organisation of the Islamic Conference) was founded in 1969, and exists to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world. International agreements are available on its website under Conventions, on the topics of international relations, trade, investments, civil aviation and telecommunications. A list of OIC member states, which have signed / ratified agreements on economic, commercial and technical cooperation, is published. The OIC website is available in English, Arabic and French versions.

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