
Public Inquiries and Inquests

This web page forms part of the UK Government Web Archive which is maintained and hosted by the National Archives website. This page provides access to the archived websites of a number of completed and ongoing public inquiries and inquests. The inquiries are arranged alphabetically and the links give access to documents and reports generated by each inquiry. Inquiries accessible from this page include
the Bloody Sunday Inquiry, the Shipman Inquiry and the Baha Mousa Inquiry.

Coroner's inquests into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Mr Dodi Al Fayed

This is the official website of the Scott-Butler inquests into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Emad El-Din Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed (Mr Dodi Al Fayed) on 31 August 1997. It provides background information on the role of the coroner and the proceedings as well as access to all official press releases, hearing transcripts, documentary evidence, video clips and full text reports. These include the full text of earlier reports made by the Surrey Coroner and the police and materials released in 2007.

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