immigration law

ARDHIS - Association de Reconnaissance des Droits des personnes Homosexuelles et transsexuelles à l'Immigration et au Séjour

ARDHIS is a French-based association which was founded in 1998 and campaigns for equal immigration rights for gay, lesbian and transsexual people. Its website provides information on the purpose of the body and its history, plus a small amount of legal information. The site is entirely in French.

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) is an independent voluntary organisation which works to achieve justice for immigrants and asylum seekers to the United Kingdom (UK). In particular, it campaigns for reform to existing nationality and immigration law. Its website provides details of its current activities and forthcoming conferences and training events. It also contains factsheets on current British immigration and nationality law.

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is an independent tribunal established in 1989 by the Canadian Parliament to make decisions on immigration and refugee matters. Its main concerns are handling immigration appeals and claims for refugee status and providing information on Canadian immigration law. Its website describes the function of the IRB and contains its current press releases and annual reports from 1995 onwards. It also offers updates on current Canadian immigration law and the immigration appeals process.

Electronic Immigration Network

EIN is a voluntary sector organisation providing information on immigration and refugee law. It is aimed primarily at immigration law practitioners and advisors, but it also contains freely available information for others interested in the subject. Freely available resources include links to government publications, news and events information. There are subject sections covering asylum, refugee and immigration issues in Europe, United Kingdom and worldwide. Sections of the site are reserved for members only including case law, legislation and country information.

UK Border Agency

The Border and Immigration Agency, ( formerly The Immigration and Nationality Directorate) is an executive agency of the Home Office. Its function is to control borders and manage immigration to the UK. Its website provides government press releases, legislation, statistical data and research reports.

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