human rights policy

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

This section of the European Parliament's website contains the full text of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union with detailed commentary on each chapter. Links are provided to relevant national, international and EU laws. Annexes contain reports by independent experts on the safeguarding of fundamental rights in Europe; UN and Council of Europe conventions; and a list of NGOs involved in the field of fundamental rights.

Online resource produced by the Danish Centre for Human Rights in cooperation with a number of Danish NGOs. The site provides news on human rights issues collected from Radio Denmark, the national daily newspapers, Berlingske Tidende, Information, Politiken and the weekly Weekend Nu. It includes links to other national and international organisations working on human rights issues. The site is available in Danish or English.

Scottish Human Rights Commission

The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) was created by The Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act 2006, and formed in 2008. This followed several years of reports and feasibility studies. Its mandate is to "promote all human rights ยน civil, political, economic, social and cultural". The website contains details of the Commission's Strategic Plan, and will also include news, publications and events as they become available.

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