House of Lords

House of Lords Appointments Commission

The House of Lords Appointments Commission (HOLAC) is an independent public body established in 2000 as part of a transitional phase in the reform of the House of Lords (as set out in the 1999 white paper, ‘Modernising Parliament, Reforming the House of Lords’, Cm 4183). It recommends people for appointment to non-party-political life peerages and also vets nominations (including nominations by political parties) for life peerages.

Hansard 1803 to 2005

Digitised version of the official report of debates (Hansard) for the UK Parliament, from 1803 to 2005. Content can be browsed by year, MP, peer, constituency, act title, bill title or official position (e.g. Minister for Trade, Chief Whip). There is also a simple search facility. The digitisation project was directed by Parliament.

Parliamentary Archives

This is the official website of the Parliamentary Archives which contains the official archives of the House of Commons, House of Lords and other records relating to parliament. Its holdings include all records and journals from the House of Commons from 1834 to the present day and the archives of David Lloyd George. Its website provides basic information on holdings, services offered and access. Links are provided to guides for researchers and other sites containing digitised parliamentary documents.

Government Whips Office

The Government Whips' Office at the House of Lords provides support to the Chief Whip to enable Bills to pass through the House. The website has information on the whips and factsheets and briefing notes on Bills. There is also information on forthcoming business, oral questions and speakers in the House of Lords.

House of Lords

The House of Lords is the upper chamber of the UK parliament. Its section of the parliamentary website provides detailed information about the work of the House, including Hansard (parliamentary debates) from November 1995 onwards, current bills before Parliament and the reports of House of Lords select committees.

United Kingdom House of Lords Decisions

A BAILII database, providing all judicial decisions of the UK Parliament's House of Lords from 14 November 1996 to 30 July 2009 (after which date the Supreme Court took over from the House of Lords). Selected decisions from 1838 onwards are also provided. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service aiming to deliver free access to primary legal materials for the UK and of Ireland.

UK Supreme Court blog

This blog was set up in June 2009, a few months before the UK Supreme Court opened. Written by lawyers at Matrix Chambers and Olswang LLP, it provides news and commentary on the Supreme Court and its judgments, with links to original sources including articles, speeches, podcasts, cases and press articles. Links are given to judgments and upcoming hearings of the Court, and to related websites.

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