government and politics

Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile

Library of the Congreso Nacionale Chile (Chilean National Parliament). Provides a service not only to members of Parliament but also to the wider community. Acts as an official repository for Parliamentary archives. The website provides full-text access, mainly in PDF format, to laws, codes and current and historic versions of the Constitution. Public users can search the catalogue and also browse or download documents in PDF and podcasts in MP3 format, which are designed to inform them about aspects of parliamentary procedure, including the creation of laws and popular legal issues.

Die Bundesregierung

Website of the German Federal Government. Provides detailed information about the roles of different departments and the work of the Chancellor. The News (Aktuellen) section includes a page detailing the latest proposed legislation. The Service section includes a Laws page and a glossary of political terms which includes outlines of government policy on key issues. The main pages are available in German, English and French.

Bundesministerium der Justiz

Site of the German Federal Ministry of Justice, which is located in Berlin. Provides information about the role and work of the organisation. Topics covered include citizen’s rights, administration of justice, constitutional/administrative law, human rights, commercial/business law, digital technology and penal law. Users have the option to search the site by keyword, using wildcards/truncation, and can also restrict the search by date, relevance and the type of document required. The main language is German but an English language section is also available.

Prime Minister's Office of Bangladesh

Official website of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The site provides information about the current Prime Minister including speeches, budgets and the most recent election manifesto. There is also information on the structure and activities of the Prime Minister's Office with links to the various departments within the PMO. Some documents are written in Bengali, but the majority of information is available in English.

Parliament of the Republic of Fiji

The Fiji Parliament Home Page provides useful information about Fiji, its history, constitution, laws, executive government, Parliament, tourist and investor information, and was developed by Fijian parliament research officers under the guidance of the Peruvian Congress. From the links on the left of the page, you can find a useful list index of the laws of Fiji with notes regarding amendments, lists of Government ministers and detailed information about the Fijian legislative process.

Constitution Unit Blog

Website of the UCL Constitution Unit's blog. The Constitution Unit is a research centre whose work focuses on constitutional change. There are posts covering various aspects of constitutional law including parliament, elections and referendums, parties and politicians, judiciary and human rights and monarchy, church and state. Constitution Unit reports, details of current research, and other information about the Unit can be accessed from this page.

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