
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. There is information about the Foreign Affairs Minister and the Ministry. Under Diplomatic Relations there are contact details for Georgia's embassies and information on Georgia's bilateral and multilateral relations and with various international organisations. The website is available in Georgian and English.


Parliament of Georgia

The Parliament of Georgia website, containing a list of the members of parliament, and recent news. From the homepage access is given to the constitution and regulations of the parliament in pdf format, in English; however, the legislation pages are in html format and only available in Georgian. The International Acts section has links to international conventions, agreements and treaties of which Georgia is a party, as Word documents. There is also a section of useful links to sites of the ministries and courts. Most of the page is available in both English and Georgian.

Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center

Website of the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC), a research institute looking at the links between terrorism, transnational crime and corruption, based at the School of Public Policy at George Mason University in Virginia in the United States. The site has background information and links to research and resources on the issues TraCCC is involved with including corruption, money laundering, human trafficking, terrorism and security.

World Law: Georgia

Part of WorldLII's Countries service covering the Republic of Georgia. A range of browse and search features are available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to Courts, Government, Legislation and Parliament along with subject sections including Elections, Foreign Investment, Human Rights, Infrastructure and Privatisation. WorldLII provides a global index and search engine for law, developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Georgia Code

This site publishes an unannotated version of the Georgia Code, codified legislation arranged by title for the US State of Georgia. It is made available by LexisNexis and there is a copyright statement on entering the site. The statutes are up-to-date, and can be browsed or searched by keyword.

Emory Law Journal

Website for US academic law journal, Emory Law Journal, produced by the Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. The journal publishes professional and student papers dealing with a full range of legal matters including alternative dispute resolution, antitrust and competition law, employment law and criminal law from a US perspective. The website provides access to full text articles with an archive back to 2004.

Supreme Court of Georgia

The official website of the Supreme Court of Georgia, containing news, lists of the members of the court, information about the court system and the budget. Under Court Decisions are links to criminal, civil and administrative cases, and the decisions of the Grand Chamber. These are only available in Georgian, as are the recommendation pages under the heading Uniform Court Practice.

Constitutional Court of Georgia

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Georgia. The site has background information about the Court, including a brief history, profiles of the judges and information on the organisation and work of the Court. Relevant laws are available on the site, along with summaries of judgments and a page of links to other constitutional courts. The site can be viewed in English, Georgian and Russian.

Guide to Georgian legal research

Electronic resource guide to Georgia legal research written by Irma Aladashvili who works for the State Fund for Protection and Assistance of (Statutory) Victims of Human Trafficking in Tbilisi, Georgia, Anna V. Dolidze who is a Candidate for Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.) at Cornell Law School and Nana Patsia who is Coordinator of the Law Library at the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association.

National Intellectual Property Center

Website of the National Intellectual Property Center (previously the Georgian Patent Office) the body responsible for granting patents and registering trademarks in Georgia. The site provides history and background to the setting up of the Center and the development of the legal framework relating to intellectual property protection in Georgia. There is guidance to patent law, trademark registration and copyright protection in Georgia including copies of the relevant legislation (in English) and PDF copies of required forms.

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