
DNA evidence: brave new world, same old problems

Online guide to the use of DNA evidence in United States law. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in October 2013 on There is commentary on and links to books, individual chapters, law review articles, reports, standards and scientific articles focusing on the “role of DNA in identification, investigation and prosecution of crime, social and privacy issues, and to some degree exculpation or evidence of third party culpability”.

NHGRI Policy and Legislation Database

This part of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) website provides free access to United States legal materials relating to genetic research. The database includes federal and state laws and statutes, federal legislative materials and federal administrative and executive materials. Topics covered include patenting, discrimination, genetic testing and counselling and privacy of genetic information. Content can be searched for by type, topic or source. There is also a clickable map which can be used to select state materials.

Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions

This section of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website provides information on the protection of indigenous peoples' traditional knowledge (TK), genetic resources (GR) and traditional cultural expressions (TCE). There are details of the work being undertaken to safeguard, record and digitize cultural heritage. Documentation and decisions from the conferences, meetings and seminars of the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore are also provided.

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