
Press for Change

Press for Change is a lobbying and legal support group for transgender people in the UK. The site provides guidance to key legislation including the Equalities Act 2010 and the Gender Recognition Act 2004. There is also information on issues such as pension rights and employment case law. Other parts of the site offer guidance on health issues and hate crime and provide links to research and to other organisations concerned with transgender issues.

Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law

Web pages for the Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, published three times a year from 1992 onwards, and edited by students at the Washington College of Law. The journal publishes articles addressing social and political equality under the law, and aims to attract those interested in gender issues and feminist legal studies. The website provides tables of contents from 1992, together with the first few pages of articles from Volume 7 (1998-99) onwards. Subscriptions can be purchased from William S. Hein and Co. Full text is available through LEXIS and Westlaw.

Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy

The Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy is produced by students at Duke University School of Law, aided by a board of faculty advisors. The print journal began publication in 1994 and is published annually. The journal is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to discussion of gender issues in the context of law and public policy. Articles are solicited from practitioners, academics and Duke graduate students. The website includes articles from volume 4 (1997) onwards.

Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law has been published since 1991 by students at Columbia University School of Law. The biannual Journal has an interdisciplinary approach to national and international gender-related issues, relevant to people of different colour, class, sexual orientation, and culture. The aim is to advance feminist scholarship and to interest students, practitioners and academics. The website provides tables of contents and abstracts of most articles from volume 1 (1991) onwards.

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women is a feminist human rights non-governmental organisation that works internationally to oppose all forms of sexual exploitation. Their website contains recent news relating to trafficking in women, a list of international contacts, publications and statements, campaign news, and a factbook on global sexual exploitation. Available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

InterAction : American Council for Voluntary International Action

InterAction is a 'coalition of more than 150 non-profit organizations working worldwide and a leading advocate in the U.S. for humanitarian assistance to the world's poor.' The site includes information on the latest humanitarian emergencies, InterAction's Development Division projects, links to development-related and other external sites, extensive details of forthcoming events, InterAction publications and also access to many of the articles from 'Monday Developments' - InterAction's biweekly publication.

Equality Studies Centre

The website of the Equality Studies Centre at University College Dublin. The main aims of the Centre are to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of equality, to promote greater understanding and concern for equality in Ireland and internationally, and to undertake and promote research on equality issues. The Centre engages in teaching, research and a programme called Outreach, directed towards equality activists and community workers.

Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy

The Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law carries out multidisciplinary research and policy analysis regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Its website has details of the Institute's projects and provides its policy papers, reports and briefings. LGBT FAQs are available, together with shareable infographics, interactive data and recommendations for carrying out surveys focusing on sexual orientation and gender identity.

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