
Gambling Commission

The Gaming Commission (formerly know as the Gaming Board of Great Britain) is responsible for the regulation of gambling in the UK. This covers all forms of lotteries, gaming machines, betting, casinos, bingo and the National Lottery. The website provides free access to information about the remit and activities of the Commission. It includes press releases, regulations, legislation and information on licenses relating to all forms of gambling. The site also includes some government sponsored research papers on problem gamblers and gambling addiction.

Poppleston Allen Licensing Solicitors

The latest news on licensing laws is given by a firm of Nottingham based solicitors specialising in liquor, public entertainment, betting and gaming law. Brief notes are given on the current status of these regulations, but the main value of the website lies in the news updates on the latest developments and trends in legislation affecting the leisure industry in the United Kingdom. Please note that there is a section for clients only.

Gambling Appeals Tribunal

Website of the Gambling Appeals Tribunal an independent body set up to hear appeals against decisions made by the Gambling Commission who issue operating licences to companies and personal functional and personal management licences. The GAT forms part of the Tribunals Service which is an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice. The site provides guidance on how to appeal and forms to download in PDF.

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