forensic science

British Polygraph Society

The British Polygraph Society is a membership body for accredited polygraph examiners. Its website provides information on polygraph science and its practice. Open access articles concerned with polygraph science are available, along with information on the accuracy and validity of polygraph testing. Information is given on the Society, including its professional code of ethics, standards of practice and constitution. A page of web links is also provided.

Fingerprint Forensics: From Lore to Law

Online guide to recent resources concerning fingerprint evidence in United Sates law. Information is given on a range of resources including key opinions, articles from law journals and forensic science journals, books and reports. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in 2017 on, the free web journal on law and technology. Most of the resources linked can be freely accessed.

Zeno's Forensic site

This website is provided by Zeno Geradts, a forensic scientist at the Digital Evidence section of the Netherlands Forensic Institute. It contains information on forensic science, including a collection of links to related websites, FAQs on becoming a forensic scientist, a discussion forum, and the author's presentations, publications and blog.

American Board of Forensic Psychology

The American Board of Forensic Psychology is responsible for issuing the Diploma in Forensic Psychology which is a professional qualification that signifies forensic competence. Forensic Psychology is "the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system". The website of this organisation offers information on professional development in this field, forms and bylaws to download as well as an introduction to forensic psychology.


Legalbrief is an online news service provided by South African legal publisher Juta Law. The Legalbrief service is comprised of a range of newsletters with stories taken from a range of South African and international news sources. There are newsletters focusing on Africa, forensic law, environmental law, cyber law and South African legal judgements. This is essentially a subscription service but many news stories and some judgements are made freely available on the site.

Strengthening forensic science: the next wave of scholarship

Online guide highlighting recent reports and scholarly articles on forensic evidence written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published in November 2009 on the features page of (Law Library Resource Xchange) the free online web journal for legal information professionals. The guide features a key report by the National Academy of Sciences called Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward.

Neurolaw and Criminal Justice

Online guide looking at forensic neuroscience and criminal justice in the United States written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published on in December 2008 and provides an introduction to the debate around the use of neuroscience in criminal cases including brain scanning to determine if a person is fit to stand trial. The author provides background to the science and gives links to news sources including blogs, recent publications, research centres, journals and professional bodies.

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