financial planning

Fazenda: Ministério da Fazenda

Site of the Brazilian Ministry of Finance. Provides background information about the role and work of the department and a wide selection of relevant documents. These are in PDF format . Links are given to relevant full text legislation on other related sites. The department has a library with an online catalogue. A separate publicity section gives access to printed notices and recorded interviews which can be viewed and downloaded. All interviews , documents and notices are in Portuguese only.

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia

Official website of the Estonian Ministry if Finance. Contains information and official documents relating to all aspects of the ministry’s work, such as the economy, state aid, tax policy, gambling and public procurement. All sections can be accessed from a hyperlinked index on the right of the welcome screen, or the site can be keyword searched across. Copies of the relevant legislation affecting each area is also provided, in English translation if the site is being accessed in English. Site appears to be regularly maintained and updated

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