european law

Amicus Curiae

Amicus Curiae is the official journal of both the Society for Advanced Legal Studies and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London. It aims to promote scholarship and research that involves academics, the legal profession and those engaged in the administration of law. The journal began publication in 1997. The print version is published 6 times a year by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies (formerly by Sweet and Maxwell). The website includes tables of contents, notes for authors and information concerning the Society for Advanced Legal Studies.

Common Core of Private European Law

The Common Core of Private European Law is a project based at the University of Trento in Italy, involving academics from Europe and the United States. The aim of the project is to analyse the private law of EU member states in order to establish the common elements. The site explains the background and methodology of the project and includes copies of the survey questionnaires used in its work. Relevant books by members of the project are listed.

European Group on Tort Law

The European Group on Tort Law is made up of scholars in the area of tort law and the website is hosted by the University of Girona in Spain. The group has produced a collection of Principles of European Tort Law which is focused on the harmonisation of tort law across Europe. The report is made freely available on the site in a range of formats and languages (including non-European languages). There are profiles of members of the group and details of their publications; some of these have links to the full text.

European Constitutional Law Network

The European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) was set up by Professor Ingolf Pernice of the Walter Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law, Berlin. It is an academic forum on European constitutional law. The website has links to constitutions of EU member states and future member states. Countries are listed alphabetically, with each constitution presented in English and in the original language; some texts are also in French, German, Spanish and/or Italian.

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