european integration

European Parliament Fact Sheets

The European Parliament's website, Europarl, provides access to a collection of basic fact sheets for members of the public about the history, current organisation and policies of the European Union. The fact sheets are grouped under six main headings: How the European Community Words, Citizens' Europe, The Internal Market, Common Policies, Economic and Monetary Union and The Union's External Relations.


The EUobserver is an independent EU news service published by Professional users have to pay for a licence but it is free for private use on a home computer. There is a pay-per-view facility for premium content. The site contains reports written in-house on topical and specialised issues. The subjects covered are Political Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, Social Affairs, Justice & Home Affairs, Defence, Enlargement and Institutional Affairs. Users can subscribe to a daily, twice-daily or weekly email newsletter.

Historical Archives of the European Union

Website of the Historical Archives of the European Union, which is based at the European University Institute in Italy. It consists substantially of bibliographic references to official documents produced by the major EU/EC institutions, including: the European Economic Community, the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the Council of Ministers, the European Commission and the European Parliament. Despite its name, however, it also covers archives relating to non-EU/EC bodies and archives acquired from individuals.

European Integration Online Papers

European Integration Online Papers (EIoP) is an ejournal published by the European Communities Studies Association, Austria (ECSA-A). It covers the historical, political, legal, economic and sociological aspects of European Integration. Past issues covered include: monetary policy, enlargement of the EU, governance of Europe, European constitution, single European Currency (Euro) and citizenship. The full text of each paper is provided in HTML or PDF. Papers from 1997 to 2005 can be browsed by subject- political science, law, economics or sociology- or searched by title or author.

NYU School of Law: Jean Monnet Center

The Jean Monnet Center at New York University School of Law is supported by the European Commission under the Jean Monnet project. The Center is concerned with European integration and its website provides details of the Center's activities, courses and staff, plus useful information for researchers. Jean Monnet Working Papers are available in full text from 1995 onwards; recent working papers have covered cultural diversity, judicial protection of individuals and EU constitutionalism after the failure of the Constitutional Treaty.

CVCE (Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe)

The CVCE website brings together resources relating to the history of European integration. Based at the University of Luxembourg, the CVCE website covers key events in the history of Europe and the development of the European Union, Western European Union, Council of Europe, European Free Trade Association and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Primary source documents, treaties, papers, cartoons, photographs and multimedia clips are provided. The section "ENA and Education" includes online textbooks, courses and lectures.

Sussex European Institute

Sussex European Institute (SEI) is a research centre based at the University of Sussex and a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. It specialises in teaching and research in the broad areas European integration, representative politics and the politics of ethnicity, citizenship and migration, taking an interdisciplinary approach. The website provides detailed information on the aims and activities of the Institute. It includes access to SEI working papers (mid-1995 to date), SEI seminar papers (2006 to date) and the in-house newsletter 'Euroscope' (2000 to date).

Archive of European Integration

The Archive of European Integration (AEI), maintained by the University of Pittsburgh, is an online repository of documents relating to the development of the European Union. It consists of EU official documents - such as green and white papers, treaties and reports - and independently-published materials such as conference papers, working papers and journal articles. The Archive can be searched by keyword, or browsed by topic, year, or document number.

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy, is part of the European University Institute, and carries out research in Law, Economics, History and Civilisation, and Social and Political Sciences, focusing on European issues, in particular European integration. Its website gives details of current research activities and contains a number of publications and papers which may be downloaded in PDF format, in both French and English. There is also a full list of papers published by the Centre, which may be ordered in printed format.

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