european institutions

Finding the Law of the Micro-States and Small Jurisdictions of Europe

Online guide, written by Andrew Grossman who is a retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer, to finding sources of primary and secondary law for “small jurisdictions” of Europe -defined as “political entities having a population under one million persons”. The guide was published in 2024 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives links to academic works on micro-states and to law libraries that hold printed materials on these jurisdictions.

European Public Prosecutor’s Office

Website of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), the independent public prosecution office of the European Union, which is responsible for “investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests of the EU”. The crimes investigated include fraud, money laundering and corruption. A section setting out the EPPO’s legal framework  includes links to the EPPO directive (established the EPPO) and the PIF (protection of the union's financial interests) directive which sets out which crimes the EPPO deals with.

EPPO-LEX The legal research library on the European Public Prosecutor's Office

The EPPO-LEX website is a private initiative aimed at legal practitioners and researchers working with the EPPO Regulation (Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939) which established the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The EPPO is responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial crimes against the EU. There is an annotated version of the Regulation which includes explanations and links to relevant provisions of the EPPO’s internal Rules of Procedures, other relevant EU legal acts and decisions of the EPPO College and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).


Website of the European Commission database DORIE (DOcumentation et Recherche sur les questions Institutionnelles Européennes). DORIE provides access to documents concerning EU institutional matters and intergovernmental conferences that have amended the founding treaties. The database includes draft treaty provisions, minutes of meetings, press releases, newspaper articles, reports, speeches by European leaders and internal Commission notes.

European Commission: Migration and Home Affairs

Website of the Directorate-General of the European Commission dealing with migration and home affairs which includes EU migration, asylum policy and EU security. The site has information on EU policies covering issues such as migration, asylum, Schengen and borders, organised crime, trafficking and police cooperation. There is also information about the EU agencies concerned with these issues and links to their websites eg. FRONTEX: EU external borders agency and Europol: The European Police Office and networks such as the European Migration Network (EMN).

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