european community

European Union Treaties

Treaties section of the European Union's law website, EUR-Lex. Provides the founding treaties, accession treaties and treaties amending the founding treaties, plus protocols. The treaties include the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and the Treaty on European Union (TEU). Consolidated versions are offered for the TFEU, TEU and a few of the other treaties. The interface is in all the official languages of the EU, but not all of the treaties are in all these languages.

EUR-Lex: Consolidated Acts

Collection of consolidated European Union legislation on the free EUR-Lex website. The consolidated texts are intended as research tools; they have no legal validity. There is a dedicated search facility for consolidated texts, plus a browseable directory arranged by subject. EUR-Lex is available in all the languages of the EU member states.

European Environmental Law Network

The European Environmental Law Network's website contains dossiers of articles and papers on air quality, European climate policy and the Francovich case, together with EU environmental case law, EU treaties and secondary legislation and other EU documentation. There is a National Pages section covering forty different countries (EU member states, candidate countries and other states such as Russia and Israel). For each country there are links to a wide variety of environmental law sites, including sources of legislation, case law and commentary.

Bar European Group

Website of the Bar European Group (BEG), a specialist bar association of the Bar of England and Wales relevant for those practising or interested in European law and issues surrounding the European Union. The site gives information about BEG's activities, details of events and other relevant material. The site also has membership information and a page of related Web links.


LESIJ.JS is an open-access online journal provided by Nicolae Titulescu University in Romania. It covers covers all areas of law, but focuses particularly on topics that cross traditional branches of the law and the relationship of law to other disciplines. Topics covered include criminal justice, socio-legal studies, criminology, European private law, internet law and intellectual property law. As well as the current issue, back issues are available back to 2006.

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