european central bank

European Commission: Banking Union

This section of the European Commission website provides information on the Banking Union which was set up following the financial crisis to create a safer financial sector for the single market. The first two ‘pillars’ of the Banking Union are a single supervisory mechanism (SSM) and single resolution mechanism (SRM). These are explained on the site, and links are given to related documents and EU directives.

EUR-Lex: legislative procedures

The successor to PreLex, this part of the EUR-Lex website provides a database tracking the progress of proposals for EU legislation. The information provided includes details of the latest stage of the legislative or decision-making procedure, as well as previous stages, and links to associated documents such as COM documents, common positions, reports of the European Parliament, the Official Journal of the European Union and press releases. The site is available in all the official languages of the EU.

Legal Framework of the European Central Bank

The European Central Bank (ECB) makes available on its website a collection of documents which constitute its legal framework. Included in the collection are the relevant EU primary legislation (EC Treaty, EU Treaty and so on); the Statute of the ECB and the Statute of the European System of Central Banks; the ECB rules of procedure and other institutional provisions; and legal provisions relating to the ECB's operations (monetary policy, payment and settlement systems, banknotes and coins, foreign exchange etc.). In addition, all the ECB's legal opinions are provided.

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