environmental protection

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is the public body responsible for the environment in England. Its website includes detailed information on subjects such as flood defence, environmental permits, waste and waste disposal. There are comprehensive maps of environmental data covering England and Wales (this includes topics such as issued flood warnings and air pollution).
Also provided are documents and policy information and a searchable public register of holders of environmental permits.

National Environment Management Authority - (NEMA) Uganda

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) was established in May 1995 and became active in December 1995. It is a semi-autonomous authority and is the principal agency charged with “the responsibility of coordinating, monitoring, regulating and supervising environmental management in the country”. Details are given of the structure and management of the organisation. A wide selection of environmental reports, project reports and “Sensitivity Atlases” covering different regions and resources are available in full text to download/view free of charge.

European Landscape Convention

The European Landscape Convention is a Council of Europe treaty for the protrection, management and planning of landscapes. It deals with all types of landscape, but also gives special emphasis to landscapes that determine the quality of people's living environment. The Convention was signed by 18 countries on 20 October 2000 in Florence. The full text of the Convention is available on the COE Conventions website, together with an Explanatory Report and status information. All information on CoE sites is available in English and French.

Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats

The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (ETS no. 104), often referred to as the 'Bern Convention' seeks to conserve wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats, particularly emphasising endangered and vulnerable species. The Convention was adopted in Bern on 19 September 1979 and came into force on 1 June 1982.

Journal of Environmental Law

The Journal of Environmental Law is published three times a year by Oxford University Press, UK. It contains articles on a wide variety of topics as well as case law, book reviews and legal materials (such as EU directives and official guidance documents). The website offers a few articles and papers free of charge. The full text of the journal is available online to users with a print subscription.

Public Justice

Website of the Washington DC based Public Justice (formerly Trial Lawyers for Public Justice) a non-profit law firm founded in 1982 and supported by the TLPJ Foundation. The Public Justice site states that it "fights for justice through precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class action litigation". The firm has a membership of over 2,700 U.S lawyers which include specialists in consumer and civil rights, personal injury, employment and environmental protection.

Canadian Institute of Resources Law

Internet website providing general information about the Canadian Institute of Resource Law which was formed in 1979 by the University of Calgary to undertake and promote research in Canadian resource law and environmental issues. The website provides background details of the Institute's mandate, governance and management structure, with staff profiles and contacts list. Publications include reports, papers and conference proceedings, some of which are available in full text online.

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Website provided by the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, based in Geneva. The text of the Convention is provided in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish and there is information about ratification and national implementation. Information is given about the ongoing work of the Convention's governing body (the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention) and subsidiary bodies such as the POPS Review Committee.

Antarctic Treaty Secretariat

The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat is based in Buenos Aires and is responsible for providing information about the Antarctic Treaty system and support for the annual Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM). The site has documents, related agreements and information relevant to the Antarctic Treaty including the text of the original Treaty, the Environment Protocol and details of Parties to the Treaty. There is also information and documentation relating to the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) and to ATCM meetings.

Antarctic Treaty Database

Website of the Antarctic Treaty Database made freely available online by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat in Buenos Aires. This searchable database provides access to the text of measures adopted by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) including all recommendations, measures, decisions and resolutions from 1961 onwards. Users can search or browse documents by meeting, category and topic. Categories include environmental protection, marine pollution, monuments, scientific cooperation and tourism. These categories can be broken down into more detailed topic headings.

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