economics and law

Red: Revista Electrónica de Direito

RED - Revista Electrónica de Direito is a full-text electronic journal published by the law faculty of the University of Porto and its Legal and Economic Research Centre. The journal aims to encourage research and dissemination in the areas of legal-business and legal-economic sciences, with particular focus on comparative law, European law and contributions from different Portuguese speaking countries. The peer reviewed journal is published every four months and articles may appear in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, English or German.

Review of Law and Economics

The Review of Law and Economics is an electronic legal journal published in cooperation with the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) and the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) and made available on the bepress website. The journal publishes articles on "theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary research in law and economics-related subjects". Article summaries are provided in HTML and include the date the article was submitted and a suggested citation. Full-text articles are available in PDF to users whose institutions subscribe to the titles.

European Association of Law and Economics

Founded in 1984, the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) is concerned with the economic analysis of law in Europe. Its website is hosted by York University and provides background information about EALE and details of current and previous conferences. The links section covers law and economics journals, other law and economics associations, graduate programs and vacant positions in the field.

Contracting and Organizations Research Institute

Website of the Contracting and Organizations Research Institute (CORI) which is based at the University of Missouri-Columbia. CORI is concerned with the "study of the organization and structure of economic enterprise and of the effects of legal, political, social, and economic institutions on the structure and performance of economic organizations". The site provides a selection of CORI working papers which are freely available as PDF documents.

NBER Law and Economics Program

This web page forms part of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) website providing information on their Law and Economics program. The NBER is based in the United States and is described as being the "nation's leading nonprofit economic research organization". Contact details for program members and a list of working papers can be accessed from this page. The papers focus on topics such as legal process, corporate law, regulation and employment systems. Abstracts of papers are made freely available and the full text can be purchased online.

LSE Law Working Papers

This working paper series was started in 2007 by the Law Department of the London School of Economics (LSE). Originally called the 'Law, Society and Economy Working Paper Series', it publishes interdisciplinary legal scholarship by members of the department. The entire series is available to browse and download. It is also possible to sign up for free email delivery (all papers, or papers on subjects of interest).

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