drug offences

Independent Drug Monitoring Unit

Website of the Independent Drug Monitoring Unit an expert witness company carrying out research into drug prices, drug user surveys and other research and information on drugs. The site provides guidance to UK drug laws including drugs and driving and a selection of articles on drugs policy and issues such as taxation of drugs. There are also sections providing background information on individual drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamine and cocaine. Other features of the site include a digest of news stories on drug issues from around the world and a directory of related web links.

Criminal Justice Policy Foundation

Website of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation (CJPF) a United States based charitable organisation whose aim is to "educate the public about the impact of drug policy and the problems of policing on the criminal justice system". The CJPF provides information to policy makers and criminal justice professionals through education programmes, conferences and publications. The site has sections covering drug policy, sentencing policy, clemency policy, police policy and crime policy.

Drug Courts

The Spotlight on Drug Courts presents documents and information on drug court initiatives in the United States. Drug courts are defined as special courts handling "cases involving drug-addicted offenders through an extensive supervision and treatment program." These pages are presented as part of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) website. A summary considers the background, ethos and goals of drug courts. Goals include reducing recidivism, reducing substance abuse among participants, and rehabilitating participants.

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