

Jurislingue is a multi-lingual legal glossary, still under development, provided by the Portuguese Attorney General’s Documentation and Comparative Law Office. It includes more than 1000 legal terms, the names of 157 institutions and the titles of 177 treaties. Seven languages are covered: Portuguese, French, English, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. For each term, the equivalents are given in some or all of the other languages. Full definitions are also provided for many of the terms, but these are mainly in Portuguese.

Glossary of legal terms

Freely accessible glossary of legal terminology made available on the home pages of Dublin-based barrister Kieron Wood. The glossary is displayed in HTML and arranged alphabetically. The first page includes a shortcut to each letter of the alphabet. Definitions are mostly brief and include terms such as Appellant, Codicil, Estoppel, Garnishee, Inter alia, Locus standi, Novation, Principal, Replevin, Testator, etc. The main pages provide further information about Kieron Wood, Irish law issues and a large collection of links.

Eine Auswahl rechtswissenschaftlicher Datenbanken im Internet

This website is managed by the Library at the University of Mannheim in Germany. It is a comprehensive guide to a very wide range of German, European and international legal websites. The main categories included are government departments, legal journals, research centres, dictionaries, legal research guides, and many library catalogues. There are also sections for different subject areas of law. It is all in German.

Legal Term Dictionary

Online legal dictionary which is based on the 1856 Bouvier's Law Dictionary and made freely available on the LawGuru website. The dictionary contains over 6,500 legal terms which can be searched or browsed alphabetically. The site provides an online help facility and it is possible to access other parts of the LawGuru website from this page. LawGuru provides a range of legal resources (forms, directories, legal news) and is owned and operated by WebSiteBroker, Inc. a California Corporation. It provides an online community for lawyers.

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