
Refugee Council of Australia

Website of the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) the national umbrella body for refugees. The RCOA is a non-profit organisation supporting refugees and conducting research and policy analysis. The site has information aimed at lawyers dealing with asylum claims, other service providers and refugees wanting to settle in Australia. There are also guides to Australia’s asylum policies and refugees and international law.

Immigration law: a primer

Online version of a publication called Immigration law: a primer written by Michael A. Scaperlanda who is Associate Dean for Scholarship and Research and Professor of Law at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. The primer was published by the Federal Judicial Center, an education and research agency for the United States federal courts, and provides an introduction to and overview of immigration law in the US.

Immigration & Protection Tribunal

This New Zealand tribunal has replaced the Residence Review Board, the Refugee Status Appeals Authority, the Removal Review Authority and the Deportation Review Tribunal. Its web page, part of the New Zealand Ministry of Justice's website, provides the decisions of the Tribunal and its predecessors, together with guidance, legislation, practice notes, annual reports and statistics.

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