customs administration

World Customs Organization

Website of the World Customs Organization (WCO) an "independent intergovernmental body whose mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of customs administration". The site publishes historical and organisational details about the WCO. There are fact sheets on different aspects of international trade and documents relating to customs issues including harmonisation, capacity building and cross border crime. The full-text (PDF) of customs conventions and other convention documents are available, as published from the 1950s to the present.

Justice and Home Affairs Council

The Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) brings together justice and interior ministers from the EU member states to make collective decisions on justice and home affairs policy; it is one of the configurations of the Council of the European Union. This page of the Council of the European Union's website introduces the JHA and provides links to information about important current policy areas. Dates of forthcoming meetings are also listed.

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