courts martial

Office of the Judge Advocate General

Web page of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG) which forms part of the Ministry of Justice website. The OJAG deals with criminal trials of service men and women in the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force for serious offences and where defendants choose not to be dealt with by the Commanding Officer. Cases are heard in a Court Martial by a Judge Advocate. The site includes guidance on the Court Martial including proceedings and sentencing.

United States Military Commissions: A Quick Guide to Available Resources

Online resource guide to United States military commissions (a form of military tribunal) compiled by Stephen Young who is a reference librarian at the Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library at the Catholic University of America. The guide provides links and references to primary and secondary materials relating to US military commissions and includes an introduction explaining what military commissions and tribunals are. There is a selection of relevant journal articles and an annotated list of links to Internet sites and finding tools.

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