
Connecticut Law Revision Commission

Official website for the Law Revision Commission for the State of Connecticut in the United States. The Commission is involved in an ongoing review of State law, making recommendations on potential updates to legislative measures and producing written reports and proposals in areas identified for reform. The site publishes information about the current commissioners, staff and projects. Notes and documentation resulting from past projects (including those on adoption laws and confidentiality of medical records) are also made available on the site in HTML format.

Public and Special Acts and General Statutes of Connecticut

Internet site developed by the Connecticut State Library publishing a compilation of statutes for the US State of Connecticut, revised to 2009. The statutes can be searched by section or keyword or browsed online with the full text provided in HTML. Subject indexes to the Public & Special Acts are also available on the site including collections back to 1996 along with an Index to Special Acts and Private Laws 1789- 1943.

Connecticut Bar Association

Website of the Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) a non-profit organisation founded in 1875 representing the legal profession in Connecticut. The site provides information about the CBA including the constitution and bylaws, press releases and contact details for staff . There are FAQs aimed at the public and a directory of Connecticut lawyers. The site also has information on legal education, pro bono assistance and advice on settling legal fee disputes. Other parts of the website are available to members only.

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