computer security


Website of eLawExchange a United States based web resource produced by Michael Arkfeld who is author of the treatise Arkfeld on Electronic Discovery and Evidence. The site is aimed at the elaw community and is concerned with the discovery of electronic information. The site includes a searchable database of e-discovery case law and rules from all US states, links to litigation related websites and a directory of individuals and companies that provide e-discovery services and consulting.

Cybercrime law

Website edited by international cybercrime expert and retired judge Stein Schjolberg. Provides cybercrime news up to 2018, together with a collection of papers on the subject from 2007 to 2014.

ITU Cybersecurity Activities

Information about the work of the United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the field of cybersecurity, covering radiocommunications, fraud and cyber attacks, child online protection and more. Provides resources for governments, the public and businesses, including good practice guides, reports, studies, a repository of national cybersecurity strategies and the ITU's Global Cybersecurity Index. Also includes news and details of events.

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