
Australian Competition Tribunal

Website of the Australian Competition Tribunal which is a review body managed by the Federal Court of Australia. The Tribunal hears applications for review of determinations of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission concerning issues such as exclusive dealing and company mergers and acquisitions. The site includes a list of members, practice directions, links to full text competition legislation and documents relating to some of the cases being dealt with by the Tribunal. Full text decisions back to 1997 are also made freely available on the site.

Brexit Competition Law Working Group

Website of the Brexit Competition Law Working Group a policy group whose members include academics and legal practitioners concerned with competition law. The stated aim of the group is to “foster public debate and inform government policy on implications of Brexit for competition law and policy”. The Group have produced a paper setting out the key immediate and longer term issues the government needs to consider in relation to Brexit and competition law and have organised a number of roundtable events.

Autorita Garante Della Concorrenza e Del Mercato

Internet site for the independent body established by the Italian government to help regulate the application of fair competition practice rules, and adjudicate in cases of corporate breaches and cases of misleading advertising. The site explains how the Authority works, describing the organisation, operational structure and scope of its activities. A collection of news releases posted on the site in reverse chronological order, carries notes of Authority reports and relevant Italian legislation.

Competition Tribunal South Africa

Website of the South African Competition Tribunal an independent body that adjudicates on competition matters such as restrictive practices, abuse of dominance and mergers. The Tribunal also hears appeals against decisions taken by the Competition Commission. The site includes a copy of the Competition Act and related legislation, a copy of the Tribunal rules and information about the functions and procedures of the Tribunal. Decisions of the Tribunal and of the Competition Appeal Court are available on the site in full-text along with selected decisions of the High Court.

Competition Commission of South Africa

The Competition Commission is a statutory body of the South African Government whose role is to "investigate, control and evaluate restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant positions and mergers in order to achieve equity and efficiency in the South African economy." The site gives background information to competition policy in South Africa and the work of the Commission. Procedural information is given on the different aspects of the Commission's work including mergers and acquisitions, prohibited practices, exemptions and advisory opinions.

American Antitrust Institute

Website of the American Antitrust Institute (AAI) a non-profit research and advocacy organisation, founded in 1998, whose aim is " to increase the role of competition, assure that competition is fair, and challenge unduly concentrated power in the American and world economy". The AAI website provides information about the activities of the Institute with the most recent activities on its home page and older items (back to 1998) in the 'Archives' section.

Conseil de la Concurrence

Website of the Conseil de la Concurrence, the French Competition Council. The Council advises the French Government on competition, and exercises jurisdiction when market competition is distorted. It investigates cartel agreements, abuses of dominant position and low price fixing, as reported to it by government, firms, local authorities, trade associations or other organisations. The site includes details of the Council's organisational and legislative background and an outline of its procedure. The Commercial Code and laws relevant to the Competition Council are included on the site.

PLC Competition

PLC Competition is a subscription database aimed at commercial lawyers and competition specialists providing updates, practical guidance and information on developments in key areas of competition law. PLC Competition is one of the services offered by legal information provider, Practical Law Company. The service includes information on UK competition law in the form of practice notes, checklists, precedents and other resources.

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