commercial court

Commercial Bar Association

Website of the London based Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR) an organisation representing barristers who work in the field of international or commercial law. The site provides background information on COMBAR, the Commercial Bar, the work of a barrister and services offered by commercial barristers. The COMBAR Directory lists the chambers and individual barristers who are members of COMBAR. Publications including speeches, responses and articles can be downloaded from the site in full text along with conference papers.

England and Wales High Court (Commercial Court) Decisions

A BAILII database containing decisions of the Commercial Court of the High Court of England and Wales. The database contains all decisions made publicly available through the Courts service from 1999 onwards to date. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year, with a comprehensive search facility and separate listing of Recent Cases. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service working to provide free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

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