commercial arbitration

Directory of Arbitration Links and Arbitration Resources Online

Online version of a resource directory listing sources relating to commercial arbitration in the context of private international law, freely presented on the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) website. The Directory is organised in sections offering links to online resources such as: Treaties and Conventions; National Arbitration Laws; International, National and Regional Arbitral and ADR Institutions; Other Organisations, and Arbitration Resources Online. The Directory was originally compiled for print publication in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration by Rosabel E.

Arbitration Centre of Mexico

Website of the Centro de Arbitraje de Mexico (CAM), an organisation offering national and international arbitration services and education and training to advance arbitration culture in Mexico. The site provides information about CAM's services including training, a selection of model clauses and agreements and full-text rules of arbitration. There is also a newsletter, details of publications and upcoming seminars and events.

Resolution Institute

Website of the Resolution Institute, an organisation formed following a merger between the Australian Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (IAMA) and the Leading Edge Alternative Dispute Resolvers (LEADR). The Resolution Institute is a non profit membership organisation promoting arbitration and facilitating the sharing of knowledge about alternative dispute settlement throughout associated professions and industries. The site provides membership information including training, qualifications, events etc.

Drafting Dispute Resolution Clauses : a practical guide

Guide to drafting alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clauses published on the website of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), a non profit organisation dedicated to developing and promoting ADR methods and approaches. This guide aims to steer the user through the drafting process step-by-step. It provides a checklist for the drafter, a discussion of the key features of arbitration, clauses approved by the AAA, and other provisions that might be considered. The guide concludes with a brief list of suggestions for further reading. It is available in PDF format.

International Council for Commercial Arbitration

Website of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), an international NGO concerned with the promotion of arbitration, conciliation and other methods of resolving international commercial disputes. The ICCA contributes to preparation of the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. The main publication of the ICCA is the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration; contents lists and indexes from the Yearbook are available on the website.

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