
Westminster Law Library, University of Denver, Research Resources

An extensive collection of finding aids, subject guides and tutorials made freely available on the internet by Westminster Law Library, University of Denver, Colorado. The materials, prepared by the library staff, are mostly presented in PDF format. Some videos are also available and interactive formats are to be introduced. A wide range of legal topics is covered, including international law, US Federal law and Colorado State law.

Colorado Bar Association

Website of the Colorado Bar Association (CBA) which provides information for the Colorado legal community and members of the public. The site has information about the various sections and committees of the Association along with details of officers, governors and staff. A directory of lawyers can be searched by name, practice area or state and there is a resource directory to other legal services in Colorado. A selection of fact sheets aimed at the public provide guidance on legal issues in Colorado such as living wills, estate planning and choosing a lawyer.

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