climate change

Systemic Justice

An NGO dedicated to advancing racial, social and economic justice by means of strategic litigation. The website has information about litigation projects,  including a BIPOC climate justice initiative. There are details of the lawyers’ network, the Community of Practice, and a ‘Community Toolkit for Change’ is available, consisting of a glossary of legal terms, a guide to strategic litigation and a set of discussion points for community groups. The site also provides reports, recorded talks and a blog.

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (DBEIS) is a UK government department formed in 2016 by a merger of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills with the Department for Energy and Climate Change. The DBEIS is the government department responsible for business, industry, science, innovation, energy and climate change. Its webiste provides press releases, policy papers, statements, statistics and other information on these subjects.

European Environmental Law Network

The European Environmental Law Network's website contains dossiers of articles and papers on air quality, European climate policy and the Francovich case, together with EU environmental case law, EU treaties and secondary legislation and other EU documentation. There is a National Pages section covering forty different countries (EU member states, candidate countries and other states such as Russia and Israel). For each country there are links to a wide variety of environmental law sites, including sources of legislation, case law and commentary.

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is an online search service that provides access to environmental treaties and the national resource indicators relevant to those treaties. The service is provided by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Subject areas covered include soil quality/conservation, water, sea, marine resources, air, plants, forests, animals, hazardous substances, land use, renewable energy and natural resources.

Canadian Institute of Resources Law

Internet website providing general information about the Canadian Institute of Resource Law which was formed in 1979 by the University of Calgary to undertake and promote research in Canadian resource law and environmental issues. The website provides background details of the Institute's mandate, governance and management structure, with staff profiles and contacts list. Publications include reports, papers and conference proceedings, some of which are available in full text online.

ASIL Insight: Copenhagen Climate Change Accord

This issue of ASIL Insight focuses on the Copenhagen Climate Change Accord. ASIL Insights is a free online newsletter produced by the American Society of International Law. ASIL Insights publishes pieces highlighting developments in international law, aiming to inform decision-makers, the legal profession and the public. The author of this issue is Daniel Bodansky who is the Emily and Ernest Woodruff Professor of International Law at the University of Georgia School of Law.

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