civil law

European Civil Law

The European Civil Law website is compiled by Hendrik Goossens a Dutch solicitor practising in Asten in the Netherlands. The site is aimed at foreign practitioners providing information and guidance on the rules of private international law of the European Union. There is background information on the form the European Union takes, its members and institutions. Guidance and links to the full text of European rules on private international law and on the jurisdiction EU member state courts have regarding civil and commercial and family law matters.

Dutch Civil Law (DCL)

English-language site provided by Dutch lawyer Hendri Goossens, who specialises in contract law and private international law. It describes the Dutch legal system and the foundations and principles of Dutch law generally. The Legislation page provides unofficial English translations of the Civil Code, parts of the Civil Procedure Code, several acts, the Constitution and various conventions. The site also has information about jurisdiction, the enforcement of judgments and the conflict of laws.

Tulane Law Review

Website for Tulane Law Review, a print journal founded in 1916 as the Southern Law Quarterly. The Review is published six times annually and is a student-run, student-edited legal periodical. Articles concentrate on civil law, comparative law and admiralty law, discussing a wide range of business, constitutional, environmental and maritime law matters from a US perspective. The Review has a sizeable international circulation and is one of few American law reviews on the select list of minimum holdings for law libraries in the United Kingdom.

Federal Civil Code of Mexico

Article documenting the background and history of the Federal Civil Code of Mexico written by Jorge A. Vargas, Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law and published in the features section of in April 2005. The article provides background information about Mexico's civil codes and the legal significance of codes in Mexico. There is a section on the 1928 Civil Code, a section highlighting the most significant aspects of the Federal Civil Code and comments on "decodification".

Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit organisation which aims to foster a fair, accessible and effective civil justice system. Its website has information about research programmes, including reports by the Forum's Action Committee. There is an inventory of civil justice reforms in Canada from 1950 onwards (with links to relevant documents), a blog, a bibliography (with links) called the 'Clearinghouse' and a newsletter. The site can be viewed in English or French.

The Posse Comitatus Act: a resource guide

Feature article about the Posse Comitatus Act 1878, by Stephen Young, a law librarian at the Catholic University of America. The Act is a US statute which prohibits the use of the Army or Air Force to enforce the law. The article looks at the history of posse comitatus in English and American law and provides background information regarding the application of the Act in the United States. It includes a bibliography of statutes, congressional documents, regulations, landmark judicial decisions and secondary sources.

Juriste Haitien

The website Juriste Haitien is an online guide to the Haitian legal system and legal education in Haiti. It offers descriptions of the laws and constitution governing Haiti, information about the judicial system and the bar and an outline of the law courses offered by the University of the State of Haiti. There is a glossary of legal terms and the site also provides links to other French-language legal websites. The site is all in French.

Civil Law Reform Division

Website of the Civil Law Reform Division (CLRD) of the Department of Finance and Personnel in Northern Ireland. This department is responsible for civil law reform in the areas of private family law, trusts and property law, tort, contract law and private international law. The site provides details of current projects, online versions of consultation papers and reports downloadable in PDF, links to related documents such as legislation and a page of related web links.

Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System

Website of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) a national research body based at the University of Denver. IAALS research is focused on the US civil justice system covering the following areas: civil justice reform; civil case management; judicial selection; judicial performance evaluation; judicial independence and domestic relations. IAALS reports are made freely available on the site to download in full text. However free registration is required before users can download the publications.

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