city of london

City of London Solicitors' Company

Website of the City of London Solicitors' Company. This is the City Livery Company for solicitors and includes the City of London Law Society which deals with City solicitors' professional issues. Background information is given on the site covering the history of the company, the names of its officers, forthcoming events and information on how to join.

City of London Law Society

Website of the City of London Law Society (CLLS) the professional body representing solicitors and law firms in the City of London. The site provides organisational information about CLLS including the names of committee members, a copy of the constitution and business plan. There is information about CLLS µs specialist committees including minutes of meetings, reports and other documentation. News of the Societyãs latest activities is delivered via an e-briefing which can be downloaded from the site along with a selection of precedent documents.

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