church of england

Ecclesiastical Law

The Ecclesiastical Law website is produced by Mark Hill QC of Francis Taylor Building Chambers and is intended to provide additional information for readers of his book, Ecclesiastical Law. There is a section on clergy discipline providing comment and guidance along with links to legislation. There is also information on faculty jurisdiction which relates to Church of England buildings. Links to full text articles written by Mark Hill are also freely available and cover subjects such as freedom of religion, Canon law and same-sex marriage in South Africa.

Ecclesiastical law

This section of the Lupton Fawcett Denison Till website provides information on ecclesiastical law and is compiled by Lionel Lennox, an ecclesiastical and charity lawyer. There is legal guidance aimed at clergy and churchwardens and covering topics such as employment law, repair and maintenance of churches and churchyards and chancel repair liabilities.

Church measures

Collection of all measures passed by the General Synod of the Church of England since 1988, together with selected Church measures from earlier dates. The measures are on the official website and they may be searched or browsed.

Church of England Legal Services

Website of the Church of England Legal Office who provide professional legal services to National Church Institutions of the Church of England. The website has a list of Church Assembly and General Synod Measures back to 1920 along with Statutory Instruments relating to the Church of England back to 1964. The site also has a copy of the Canons of the Church of England which can be viewed in full in PDF format. A selection of FAQs provide information on ecclesiastical land and the General Synod.

Ecclesiastical Law Society

Website of the Ecclesiastical Law Society (ELS), an organisation established in 1987 to promote the study of ecclesiastical and canon law. The site outlines the aims of the Society and gives details of its events and publications, including the Ecclesiastical Law Journal. The book, 'The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion' can be downloaded in pdf format, free of charge. To accompany the book, the site provides a bibliography, details of selected cases and links to Church resolutions and other official documents.

Church of England Measures

One of a series of concise factsheets produced by the House of Commons Information Office and published on the website of the UK Parliament. The Church of England Measures factsheet, last revised in 2010, provides a brief history of how the internal government of the Church came under Crown control. Current legislative procedure for the Church of England is clarified, with particular emphasis on the legislative powers remaining with Parliament.

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