child labour

Transparency Project

The aim of the Transparency Project is to improve public understanding of the family justice system in England and Wales. Its website provides a range of guidance notes that explain issues relating to family law and the family courts. Topics covered include common law marriage, remote court hearings and the use of experts in family court cases. There is a blog with updates on cases in the family courts. Information is also provided for journalists and bloggers, including a guide to the rules on reporting family court proceedings.

Inter-American Children's Institute

The Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN) is a specialised organisation of the Organization of American States (OAS), focusing on the promotion and protection of children's rights. The website has background information on the IIN, including its statutes and rules of procedure. IIN publications are available and the site also provides information on the Institute's work in the areas of child law, children's rights, combating sexual exploitation and tackling child abduction.  The site can be viewed in English or Spanish but some of the content is in Spanish only.

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