

WorldCat is an online library catalogue covering the print and electronic collections of about 10,000 libraries, including national, academic, special and public libraries. Although it has contributing libraries from all over the world, the majority are based in the US or Europe. WorldCat has basic and advanced search facilities and it covers book, serials and other material on all subjects. Search results can be sorted and filtered, and WorldCat will tell you if a particular item is held in a nearby library.

Karlsruher Virtuelle Katalog (KVK)

Meta-search engine for library catalogues from all over the world, collections of digitised material and online bookshops; includes the global library catalogue, WorldCat. For the most part it finds catalogue records only, but it also links to full-text material from the Hathi Trust, Google, the Directory of Open Access Journals and so on. Users can select which catalogues, digital resources and bookshops they wish to search, then search for books, serials or other material by key word, title, author, et cetera.


Search25 is a resource discovery tool provided by the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. The website enables users to search across the catalogues of over 60 library collections at once. It is free to search and users have the option to search by title, author, subject and ISBN. The website also includes a list of libraries that are members of the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries.

Law Society: Library Services

Information about the collections, services and facilities of the Law Society Library, a private library for solicitor members of the Law Society of England and Wales. Includes a link to Library Online, the catalogue and legal information database. There is information about the Law Society Archive as well as the Library. The site also provides the following research guides: How to dispose of your library; How to search BAILII; How to search Law Society library online; How to find ECHR materials; and How to find European Union case law.

Explore the British Library

‘Explore the British Library’ is the British Library’s main catalogue. It covers books, journals, newspapers, conference proceedings, electronic resources, maps and other materials. Registered readers can use the catalogue to order items for consultation in the reading rooms. Anyone can use it to order photocopies from the British Library, for a fee.


COPAC combines the catalogues of more than one hundred research libraries in the UK and Ireland, allowing them all to be searched simultaneously. It includes the holdings of the British Library and many university and specialist libraries. Quick or advanced search screens are available and there is also a special search facility for finding maps in library collections. COPAC is run by Jisc, a non-profit organisation based at the University of Manchester which provides digital services for the UK academic community.

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