
ECOWAS Community Court of Justice

Website of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Community Court of Justice. The union was established by the Treaty of Lagos in 1975 and the Court was set up under the revised Treaty of 1991 (given on the site). Functions of the Court include determining human rights violations in member states, judging legality of laws adopted by ECOWAS and examining failure of member states to honour their obligations under ECOWAS law. Decisions are available in full back to 2015 along with annual reports, rules of procedure and practice directions.


Law section of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) website, focusing on the Treaty of Lagos, 1975, which established this 15-member regional group, and other official documents. The purpose of ECOWAS is to promote economic integration in the region and create an economic and trading union. A revised 1993 version of the Treaty of Lagos is provided, along with regulations, communiques, decisions and other ECOWAS official documents.

Constitution of Benin

Electronic copy of the 1990 Constitution of Benin, along with subsequent amendments, made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF. There are chapters on the state and sovereignty, rights and duties of the individual and the role of the executive, legislative and judicial powers.

World Law: Benin

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering Benin. The site offers search facilities to trace internet resources for Benin including links relating specifically to Parliament, Government and Elections. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Benin on all of WorldLII.

Bénin Government Portal

The Bénin Government website provides information on the Government's activities and primary objectives. There is an overview of Bénin covering its history, economy, society and infrastructure. Information is given on the role and functions of the various government ministries and other governmental bodies including the High Court of Justice, the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court and the President of the Republic. A copy of the Bénin Constitution can be viewed in French as a PDF document and a copy of the Bénin Investment Code is presented in English.

Introduction au système juridique et judiciaire du Bénin

Electronic article on the law and legal system of Benin written by Noel Ahonagnon Gbaguidi who is Professor of Private Law and Director of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration and the Judiciary of Benin and William Kodjoh-Kpakpassou who is Judge at the Court of First Instance of Cotonou (Benin) and Associate Professor at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration and Magistracy of Benin. The article was published in 2009 (and updated by Gérard Aivo and Lazard H. provides information and documentation relating to the Organization for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa, including the OHADA Treaty, OHADA uniform acts and implementing rules in English and French. Summaries of the judgments of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) are provided in French only; for the full text (also in French), registration is required but there is no charge.

Droit des affaires au Bénin

Information and documentation relating to the business and company law of Bénin, provided by French law and tax publisher Droit-Afrique. Gives details of pan-African organisations to which Bénin belongs. Includes selected laws of Bénin, together with official texts of OHADA and other organisations. The page also lists links to government and law websites.

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